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Explore Your Passion for Adventure

Tours In Partnership With SA Pigeon

Zenco Travel & Tours Founder, Neil, started participating in pigeon racing when he was 6 years old, which is how he met the famous Willie Steenkamp. Willie is the current SA marketer for many international lofts and has been trainer of the Sun City Million Dollar Pigeon Race for 10 years. Willie is also the Chairman of SA Pigeon and in collaboration with Willie and his international contacts in the Pigeon Racing community, Zenco Travel & Tours joined hands with SA Pigeon to create unique and unforgettable tour packages for those with a passion for pigeons.


Together with our partner, SA Pigeon, Zenco Tours & Travel have curated exclusive trips to visit international pigeon lofts and races, giving pigeon breeders the chance to expand their knowledge and connect with fellow enthusiasts from around the world. Our team is committed to providing top-notch service and making sure every trip is tailored to meet the needs and preferences of our clients.


Whether you're a SA Pigeon member or not, these tours can be tailored to meet your specific requirements and interests. Our tours are designed to create lasting memories that you'll cherish for a lifetime.


Dubai Tour

February 2024


From R 12 000-00 p.p.

What Our Clients Have To Say

Ons het in 2011 en 2013 saam met Neil en Anlerie na Thailand getoer. Daar het Ons Bangkok,Phuket en Phi Phi eilande besoek.Die toer was uitstekend georganiseerd en alles was in plek en op tyd.Ons beplan Maart-April 2024 om weer 1 van hulle toere mee te maak.Ons kan hulle sterk aanbeveel vir ñonvergeetlike vakansie

- Ig & Elize de Villiers

Ek het saam getoer Bangkok en Phuket toe Niel en Anleri is 2 amazing toerleiers. Baie kennis van wat gesien moet word, gemaklike atmosfeer en jy word nie sommer aangejaag na die volgende besienswaardigheid nie. Toere baie bekostigbaar en baie lekker gewees.


- Rehet Theron

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